Friday, January 13, 2012

田馥甄 - My Love

如果你被他伤过 很痛 请感谢他好心折磨
If you have been hurt deeply by her, please thank her for the torment
如果你对他感到 愧疚 请感谢他慷慨泪流
If you feel sorry for all you did to her, please thank her for the tears she shed
在我们相遇相爱之前 多亏有他让你成熟
Before we met and before we love, Thank her for giving you a chance to grow up

如果你现在孤独 寂寞 请感谢这美丽等候
If you are alone and lonely, please be thankful for this wait
如果你还在为爱 犯错 请感谢还没找到我
If you are still making errors in love, please be thankful you have not found me
要走完每个曲折路口 我们才懂爱是什么
Till we go thru all the twist in life, Do we finally know what love is

wo~ my love wo~ my love

如果庆幸我值得 拥有 请感谢我被放弃过
If you are grateful I am worthy, please be thankful I was someone's past
如果欣赏我坚强 温柔 请感谢那珍贵伤口
If you like my strength, my tenderness, please be thankful of the wound I had
在我们相遇相爱之后 遗憾都会 变成守候
Before we met and before we love, Regrets will become a wait

wo~ my love wo~ my love

当我们终于紧紧相拥 所有苦恼 会甜美结果
When we finally have each other in our arms, All the sadness will have sweet endings
我们就耐心漂流 爱会来的 在对的时候
Shall we patiently wander, For love will come, when the time is right

wo~ my love wo~ my love
wo~ my love wo~ my love

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